1.2 – A New Friend?

My first night in Willow Creek was less than ideal.  It was particularly cold and more frustratingly, rainy.  In fact, the rain absolutely decimated my fridge and oven.  So not only was I cold and wet, but I now had no source of food at home until I either repaired the fridge myself or had the money to call a repair service which would probably take months…Just as soon as I thought things were looking up, it all crashed down again.

I had no choice but to go to the gym to shower.  I smelled like a wet dog when I woke up, and I doubted that the library would let me in to check my work email in this state.  Luckily, the rain let up during my walk, and the gym wasn’t that far away.  I can’t say that I was too pleased at the looks I was getting from the other people on the street.  All under their neat black umbrellas as dry as they woke up in the morning.  It made me mad.  I shuffled into the gym as quickly as I could, not making eye contact with anyone.  I hopped into the shower, scrubbing off the filth of the night.  Afterward, I did allow myself some TV time.  I wondered if I’d ever be able to afford a TV.

I walked to the library as the sun rose behind me.  Willow Creek was a beautiful town, even when it was a rainy day.  The pinks and blues that illuminated the sky put a skip in my walk.  As did the thought of seeing Phillip again.  I wondered if he’d remember me.  I didn’t have long to wonder before I saw him entering the library, presumably for his shift.  I smiled broadly and half-jogged into the building.

“Hello again,” I said after I caught my breath.  Hm, maybe I do need to use the gym for more than showering and watching TV, I thought to myself.

“Amelia!” he greeted with a huge grin.  “Back so soon?”

“Ah, yeah.  My computer back home isn’t working at the moment you know, with the rain and all, so I needed to borrow one here.  And I thought a change of scenery might be good for my productivity,” I felt bad for lying, but how could I tell him about the pathetic piece of land I call my house.

We talked for a few more hours, myself careful to avoid conversation about where I lived.  It’d have to wait, for now.  Despite wishing I could stay for longer, my stomach was growling, and I was in desperate need for food.  Remembering that my fridge and oven were currently out of commission, I went to the next best thing I could think of…the nightclub.  Being a Monday night, it wasn’t too busy, and I could tell the bartender was surprised to see someone here.  I asked for some complimentary chips, and she seemed pleasant enough to hand me a bowl.  Less work than making a drink, I suppose.

It wasn’t long before someone new walked into the club  She had fluffy black hair and a beautiful red dress on.  Simply put, she was gorgeous.  I was surprised when she sat right beside me, ordered a drink, and began talking to me.

“So what brings you here on a Monday night?” she asked, sipping her drink.

I’m still not sure why I did it, but I actually told her the truth.

“I’m basically a homeless homeowner, and I don’t want to have to go to my house until I absolutely have to.” As soon as the words slipped from my lips, I regretted them.  I looked down in shame, expecting the woman to walk away from my pathetic self.

“Ah, well, can’t say I haven’t been there,” she laughed.  “Jobless, homeless, and in a nightclub praying that when I go home, everything will magically be better.”

“Well, I do have a job,” I replied, laughing dryly.  “Just haven’t started yet.  And it’s just as a lousy tech support worker.”

“Well you’re already at a better place than I was at your age.  I was probably shacked up with some drug dealer who didn’t know right from left.  Unemployed, of course.  But you know what I do now?  I’m the manager of an accounting firm downtown.  And you know how I started there? As a lousy mail carrier and paper pusher.”

I looked up at her, shocked.  “You’re kidding! How’d you do it?”

“Work hard.  Always.  Push yourself to be a better person even when it sucks.  Just cause you’re in tech support now doesn’t mean you’ll always be.  But the only person who can change that is you.  Have faith in yourself, but always keep in mind it’s working hard that gets you to where you need to be.”

I smiled.  It’s as if the universe knew I needed an extra push.  I silently thanked the Watcher above and smiled at the woman.

We talked for a little while longer, lightheartedly.  I learned her name was Misty and that she was originally from a town called Brindleton Bay.  She dissuaded me from ordering a drink, saying I needed to be in my peak performance for my first day tomorrow. She convinced me to go home, and it wasn’t until I walked out of the bar that I realized how tired I was. My eyes were heavy as I walked home.  I wanted to collapse right into bed, but instead I fixed the fridge all on my own.  Despite my lack of handiness and my incredible sleepiness, I learned I had a knack for repairing these kinds of things.  It put a new drive in me to learn something new about myself two decades into my life.  I tossed and turned in bed, excited for my life ahead and my first day on the job tomorrow.

1.1 – The First Day

$1800 isn’t nearly as much as I’d thought it’d be… was the first thing I thought as I pulled into my new lot.   While the plot was absolutely beautiful, it was completely barren.  I hadn’t had $1800 to start, I actually had a bit over $2000, but a plane and bus ticket took that fairly quickly from me.  The trip from my hometown Oasis Springs to Willow Creek was exhausting in more ways than one.


That $1800 gave me enough money for an oven, countertop, fridge, queen bed, and a toilet, but that left not enough for a shower, nor any walls.  I tucked my toilet behind the fridge, hoping to save myself at least a shred of dignity.  I looked at my finished work and sighed.  This was all I could afford?  I felt a tear slide down my cheek and quickly rubbed it off.  It was only the first day, I told myself, I had plenty of time to find a job.  Freshly twenty and in a big city meant there were probably hundreds of jobs looking for fresh, new faces.  I forced myself to think optimistically and began searching for job applications on my phone.

After applying to over fifteen jobs, I put my phone down.  My fingers were numb from all the typing.  It was only a little after noon at that point, and I felt like I still had the whole day ahead of me!  What should I do?  I could go for a walk, or to the park, or… Then it hit me.  The library!  Reading was one of my favorite pastimes, plus, they probably had computers that I could totally play some video games on.  So I got up from my bed and began the trek to the library.  When I got there, I quickly found a book that caught my eye and went to grab it.

It was a fairly short book, so it only took me about an hour to finish it.  Looking up from my table, I caught sight of a man who had to be the librarian.  Librarians have such an aura around them; it’s so easy to recognize them.  I got up from my seat and went to talk to them.

“Hello,” I said, waving at the man.  He grinned.

“Hi there! Anything I can help you with?” he asked.

“Yes, actually,” I replied, looking around the library. “I was just wondering if I needed a library card to use the computers.”

“Ah, usually you do, but I think I’ll let it slide this time,” he answered with a wink.  I raised my eyebrows…Was this librarian flirting with me?

I thanked the man and took a seat by a computer.  I played Blicblock for a few hours, but my mind stayed focused on the librarian.  I caught him glancing at me every now and then with a strange look on his face.  I found myself blushing every time his eyes met mine.  It was rare men had this effect on me, but I had always had a thing for smart men, and this man was definitely intelligent.  I could tell.  Soon after, I heard the sound of someone sitting in the seat directly across from me.  I looked up and couldn’t believe it, it was him!

“Hi there,” he said, grinning over at me.  I returned his smile.

“Hello again.  What brings you here to me?”

“Oh nothing, I just realized I forgot to ask your name! How rude of me.”

“Oh! I’m Amelia Asher,” I replied.  “And you are?”

“Phillip Lopez,” he said, reaching a hand out.  I took it and shook it.

“Pleased to meet you.”

I hadn’t realized how much time passed until I looked out the window.  It was already almost mid-afternoon, and I was starving!  But talking to Phillip made time fly by.  I hadn’t had this much of a connection with someone in years, probably not since high school.  As I told him goodbye, I knew the library was about to become my new favorite spot, and not only for the books…

Returning home, I prepared a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for dinner.  It was no steak and potatoes, but it would do for now.  Someday I’d have the money to cook on my oven, but not now.  Although I missed the taste of hot food, I reassured myself that finding a job wouldn’t take too long.  I’d applied to so many places, one of them would have to take me, right?

Then, it happened.  After I dumped my plate into the trash, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket with the sound of an email.  Unlocking my phone, I eagerly read the message.

Congratulations Amelia Asher.  You have been accepted to the position of Live Chat Support Agent.  Your first day is Tuesday at 10 A.M.  I will be emailing you shortly with your first assignment.  Once again, congratulations and have a great evening!

I gasped, my hands trembling in excitement.  I had done it! Gotten a job! In technology, as luck would have it!  Not that being a dishwasher or part-time bookkeeper were bad, but tech was the field I had been silently hoping for.

I prepared for bed, the smile on my face never fading.  My life was finally working out, and I finally felt on top of things.  My new life in Willow Creek was going to be amazing, I just knew it.  And as I looked around me, to the room-less house I called my own, I made a promise to myself in that moment.  I would rise to the top of the technology career.  I would give my kids something to hold their entire lives–a legacy.

Getting Started

Hi all and welcome to my first ever Legacy!  I’ve been playing Sims for about six years now, but I’ve never tried a legacy challenge before.  Because of this, I’m guaranteed to mess up at some point, so please be patient with me and let me know if I need to change or do something differently!  Anyway, let’s move onto the rules I’m playing by.

All the rules for the Legacy Challenge can be found here.  Some important rules are: starting only on a bulldozed lot with $1800, randomizing all traits, no money can come into the household through spouses, and no restarting after bad events.

Succession Laws:

Equality: The Founder may be of either gender. Both boys and girls are eligible for the title of heir

Modern: Both Naturally born and adopted children are eligible to be named heir

Random: The title of heir is randomly selected from the pool of all eligible children. Every time the eligible pool changes size, The heir must be re-rolled using the new pool. (Would be willing to switch to Democracy if people actually follow this lol)

Tolerant – The species of the child has no impact on their eligibility for heir status

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